Corporations Amendment (Virtual Meetings and Electronic Communications) Bill 2020
30 October 2020
We strongly welcome the Government’s proposal to make the electronic execution of company documents and virtual meetings reforms permanent for the benefit and convenience of customers and to improve efficiencies in the processing of critical documents. The ABA considers: • Deeds should be able to be created and signed electronically by companies and individuals. • Electronic signatures rather than wet signatures should be able to be used for a broader range of legal and business documents. • Remote witnessing should be legally valid.
Download PDFModel Participation Rules – ARNECC Consultation Draft Version 6
2 March 2020
The proposed amendments to the MPR are significant and the ABA is strongly opposed to Draft Version 6 of the MPR in their current form. The ABA is not aware of any instance of identity fraud in the electronic e-conveyancing system that would warrant such significant and costly changes.
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