Anti-hawking: Update to RG 38
18 August 2021
In the ABA’s view, the guidance detailed throughout RG38 provides clarity over the forms of communication subject to the prohibition, the nature and scope of a consumer’s consent. However, the guide does not adequately consider the types of interactions between customers and frontline staff. These interactions vary greatly and, in many cases, involve a frontline staff member needing to gain an understanding of a customer’s needs to educate them on the scope of products.
Download PDFDeferred Sales Model Exemptions
9 August 2021
The ABA supports the Government’s proposed regulations to exempt insurance products from the deferred sales model that provide high value and are well understood by consumers. This provides a more targeted approach to add-on insurance products subject to the deferred sales model and will address consumer harms and poor value identified by the Royal Commission without affecting the availability and accessibility of high value insurance products. However, the ABA considers there is further room to refine the proposed regulations in relation to business insurance.
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