Climate-related financial disclosures, second-round consultation
21 July 2023
The ABA supports the introduction of mandatory climate-related financial disclosures aligned with the ISSB, and we feel that the proposed model generally strikes an appropriate balance. The submission makes key points across six areas: phased approach, reporting content, reporting location, assurance, continuous disclosure and the modified liability approach.
Download PDFClimate-related Financial Disclosures
17 February 2023
The ABA supports the introduction of mandatory climate-related financial disclosures aligned with the International Sustainability Standards Board. This will provide banks and business with the certainty they need to manage their climate risks and to grasp the opportunities from the new green industrial revolution. The submission highlights the need for collaboration on data gaps, safe harbour provisions or alternative legal measures, and appropriate phasing.
Download PDFAASB request reply on ISSB IFRS Submission
15 July 2022
The ABA supports a global approach to the development of sustainability disclosure standards through the ISSB as the global body to issue the standards. Further, the establishment of a global baseline is critical a coordinated approach be developed which will avoid fragmentation in reporting obligations. To this end we support the efforts of the ISSB in establishing a working group to enhance compatibility between global baseline and jurisdictional initiatives.
Download PDFISSB Sustainability-related Financial Information climate disclosures
15 July 2022
ABA's position on the IFRS Foundations ISSB proposed financial disclosures. The Australian Banking Association (ABA) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on the Exposure Draft on IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information ([Draft] IFRS S1) and Exposure Draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures ([Draft] IFRS S2). We support a global approach to the development of sustainability disclosure standards through the ISSB as the global body to issue the standards. Further, we support the climate-first approach adopted by the ISSB. We see great value in the ISSB issuing a forward workplan (or consulting on a proposed forward workplan) to enable entities to prepare for future sustainability disclosure requirements.
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