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Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill

1 March 2022

The ABA welcomes the steps the Government is taking to work with critical industries to enhance industries’ operational and cyber resilience. ABA members already cooperate with the relevant Government agencies and with the Council of Financial Regulators (CFR) on cyber security matters and we look forward to strengthening those partnerships. ABA has identified a number of implementation issues or issues that are likely to require further legislative amendment. ABA proposes a two-year statutory review of the significant amendments introduced to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018.

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Australia’s cyber security regulations and incentives

27 August 2021

The ABA sees an important role for government in coordinating messaging and cyber security uplift efforts across stakeholder groups and sectors, and setting clear expectations of what entities should do to protect themselves and their customers. The ABA acknowledges that there is a difficult but important balance to be struck between, on the one hand, economy wide, consistent cyber security regulatory requirements that improve the nation’s cyber risk position and, on the other hand, more specific or targeted measures which need to respond to specific risks and/or levels of risk. Further clarity will also be required for entities that may be indirectly subject to SOCI Act requirements, and for entities that may move in and out of the SOCI Act regime. The ABA seeks further information about the legal form that the governance standards would take and what legal standing (if any) the standards would have. The ABA asks for clarity on the interaction between the proposed standards and other regulatory regimes.

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