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Australian Bankers’ Association submission to the Farrell Inquiry on open banking

22 September 2017

The ABA has put forward an industry-wide model to implement open banking, one that will give customers confidence their data is being shared securely and with their informed consent.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on crisis resolution powers

14 September 2017

The ABA provided comments to Treasury regarding the Exposure Draft of the Financial Sector Legislation Amendment (Crisis Resolution Powers and Other Measures) Bill 2017 and the associated draft Explanatory Memorandum.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on Common Equity Tier 1 capital instruments for mutually owned ADIs

8 September 2017

The ABA provided comments on APRA’s discussion paper, Common Equity Tier 1 capital instruments for mutually owned ADI.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on improving the credit card market

23 August 2017

The ABA provided comments to Treasury on its consultation paper, Credit Cards: Improving consumer outcomes and enhancing competition.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on new APRA powers to address financial stability risks

16 August 2017

The ABA provided comments on Treasury’s consultation on non-ADI lender rules.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association submission on removing restrictions on the use of the term ‘bank’

14 August 2017

The ABA provided comments on Treasury’s consultation on reducing barriers to new entrants to the banking sector.

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The Australian Bankers’ Association’s submission on banking executive accountability

4 August 2017

The ABA provided Treasury with comments on its consultation paper on the Banking Executive Accountability Regime.

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Banking Executive Accountability Regime: Consultation Paper

4 August 2017

The ABA welcomes reforms that strengthen accountability and competition in the banking system. We support enhanced responsibility and accountability of ADIs executives and the BEAR’s stated policy intent to “provide greater clarity in relation to responsibilities and impose heightened expectations of behaviour in line with community expectations.”

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ABA Submission to ASIC Enforcement Review – Strengthening ASIC’s Licensing Powers

2 August 2017

The ABA has provided a submission to the ASIC Enforcement Review Taskforce’s consultation paper on strengthening ASIC’s licensing powers.

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ABA Submission to ASIC Enforcement Review – Codes in the Financial Sector

2 August 2017

The ABA has provided comments to the Treasury Consultation Paper: ASIC enforcement review – Position and consultation paper 4 Industry Codes in the Financial Sector

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