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Property Tax (First Home Buyer Choice) Bill 2022

26 October 2022

The ABA supports the Property Tax (First Home Buyer Choice) Bill 2022 in its current form before NSW Parliament.

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CDR Action Initiation

24 October 2022

The ABA notes the rollout of write access should be done safely, with the protection of customer data being a key principle. We also recommend that there should be a strategic assessment ahead of declaring any actions, and that payment initiation will need to align with the broader payments work.

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Public Disclosure Requirements for ADIs (APS 330)

7 October 2022

The ABA acknowledges APRA’s objective to align disclosures with international standards and is supportive of the objectives to promote transparency, improve comparability for prudential metrics across ADIs, and enhance proportionality by removing disclosure requirements for smaller ADIs. The ABA provides the feedback contained in this letter for APRA’s consideration. However, industry expects to raise additional observations and points for clarification as part of the transition to BCBS-based standards.

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Tasmanian Land Titles Amendment Bill

29 September 2022

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) welcomes the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania’s engagement with industry regarding the proposed amendment to the Land Titles Act 1980. The ABA and its members are broadly supportive of the proposed amendment but make two observations for the Land Titles Office’s consideration.

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APRA Finalising Bank Capital Requirements

26 August 2022

The Australian Banking Association welcomes the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority’s ongoing engagement with industry regarding the development of the revised capital framework including the consequential amendments to Liquidity, Securitisation and Counterparty Credit Risk and the release of the final Prudential Practice Guides for bank capital – APG 110, APG 112 and APG 113 – and... Read more »

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ELNOs Interoperability Pricing Issues Paper July 2022

12 August 2022

The ABA and its members remain supportive of the realisation of a functioning interoperable e-conveyancing market. A functioning interoperable e-conveyancing market should benefit subscribers and other stakeholders, including everyday Australians. The ABA and its members encourage IPART to consider the implications of its recommendations on all e-conveyancing market participants, paying particular attention to the potential cost consequences of subscribers, some of which have little negotiating power.

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Farm Debt Mediation Better Practice Guide Consultation

19 July 2022

The ABA acknowledges the challenges experienced to date in implementing uniform farm debt mediation (FDM) legislation nationally however, despite these challenges, the ABA position remains that farmers across Australia should have access to the same safeguards and support regardless of their postcode.

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AASB request reply on ISSB IFRS Submission

15 July 2022

The ABA supports a global approach to the development of sustainability disclosure standards through the ISSB as the global body to issue the standards. Further, the establishment of a global baseline is critical a coordinated approach be developed which will avoid fragmentation in reporting obligations. To this end we support the efforts of the ISSB in establishing a working group to enhance compatibility between global baseline and jurisdictional initiatives.

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ISSB Sustainability-related Financial Information climate disclosures

15 July 2022

ABA's position on the IFRS Foundations ISSB proposed financial disclosures. The Australian Banking Association (ABA) welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) on the Exposure Draft on IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information ([Draft] IFRS S1) and Exposure Draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures ([Draft] IFRS S2).   We support a global approach to the development of sustainability disclosure standards through the ISSB as the global body to issue the standards. Further, we support the climate-first approach adopted by the ISSB. We see great value in the ISSB issuing a forward workplan (or consulting on a proposed forward workplan) to enable entities to prepare for future sustainability disclosure requirements.

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Australian Data Strategy

30 June 2022

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) welcomes the development of a unified strategy around the use of public and private data to drive economic, health and social outcomes. We are optimistic that all Australians will benefit from a coordinated government approach. ABA members encourage government to streamline their collection of data from banks, and encourage government to work with industry when developing future policies around data security and privacy and governance related to Artificial Intelligence.

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