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Under the Code of Banking Practice, your bank must have a procedure in place to deal with complaints. Find out how to make a complaint.
Customer advocates help banks handle complaints better, improve customer experience, and minimise the likelihood of future problems. Customer advocates can also help their bank better understand where a customer is coming from. They have the power to escalate issues to the CEO if they think the bank isn’t resolving issues properly.
Australian banks have hardship teams ready to help. Whatever the cause, there are practical ways your bank can assist you out of financial difficulty.
To help make it easier for your small businesses to access finance, Australia’s banks have developed a website that explains what banks look for in assessing your small business loan application.
Banking should be affordable for all Australians. Banks offer basic bank accounts with no account keeping fees and free monthly statements to suit disadvantaged and low income Australians.
Australian banks work hard to prevent their customers from becoming victims of financial crime, be it internet fraud, phone scams or identity theft. Find out what you can do to protect yourself from fraud and scams.
The ABA does not handle individual customer complaints or disputes, and we cannot provide personal or professional advice. The ABA represents the interests of member banks providing analysis, advice and advocacy for the banking industry.
Professional enquiries
Australian Banking Association
PO Box H218
Australia Square
NSW 1215
Telephone: +61 2 8298 0417
Email: [email protected]