The Australian Banking Association (ABA) is the information source for the news media on the Australian banking industry, providing information, analysis and context on industry issues.
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Tom Elliott (Host): I wanted to talk about scams in a moment. We know there’s many different scams from getting emails – I saw one in my spam today, saying I have a photo of you doing something you shouldn’t have been doing, if you don’t give me $2000 I’ll release the pictures online. I… Read more »
Jamie Burnett (Host): But today, the Federal Government has launched a new scam awareness campaign encouraging you to stop, to check, to protect. Sounds good? Been welcomed by the Australian Banking Association, as you’d expect. Its CEO is Anna Bligh, good morning Anna. Anna Bligh (Guest): Good morning. Jamie, how are you? Jamie Burnett: Yeah,… Read more »
The ABA welcomes the launch today of the Federal Government’s new scam awareness campaign, encouraging Australians to STOP. CHECK. PROTECT. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said this was a timely reminder for Australians to be on the look-out for the tell-tale signs that you might be being scammed. “Scams are a blight on our society. Every… Read more »
The ABA welcomes further progress by the Federal Government to establish a mandatory SMS Sender ID register with an enforceable industry standard, in what will be a critical preventative measure in the fight against scammers. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said thwarting SMS impersonation scams would disrupt a key tactic that scammers use to steal money… Read more »
Gary Hardgrave (Host): To the story, Christine Rose and her husband, David, they fell victim to a vicious, really vicious scam. It’s robbed them of $40,000 the money was the house deposit for their first property purchased together. It’s all gone because a cyber-criminal impersonated their solicitor. Christine Rose (clip from previous interview): It’s affected… Read more »
Shoppers on the hunt for a bargain during the Black Friday sales period are being warned to be on high alert for scams. The Australian Banking Association is reminding shoppers to be on the lookout for popular scams that are circulating: ABA CEO Anna Bligh said scam activity always surges during the Black Friday sales… Read more »
The ABA welcomes the introduction into the Parliament of critical scam fighting legislation to better protect Australians. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said the Federal Government’s proposed Scams Prevention Framework is the best way forward to prevent, detect, report, disrupt and respond to scams. “This is an important step forward in our ongoing work to scam-proof… Read more »
Anna Bligh: This new framework is a comprehensive approach to the terrible scourge of scams. This will mean that every single part of the scam chain where scammers try to take the hard earned money of Australians will now have to play a role in preventing scams, detecting them and keeping Australians safe. Journalist: I… Read more »
Banks welcome the release of draft legislation to establish a new Scam Prevention Framework to better protect consumers and drive scammers out of Australia. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said winning the war against scammers will only be possible through a collective effort across the entire scams chain, including from government, banks, telcos and social media… Read more »
One of the most alarming consequences of the recent CrowdStrike technical outage was how quickly scammers moved to take advantage of it. Within 24 hours, the Australian Cyber Security Centre had issued a warning to Australians about the potential risk of scams. Scammers pounced, impersonating CrowdStrike and Microsoft employees to trick people into providing remote access to… Read more »
Sarah Macdonald (Host): Have you had a call from your bank to check you’re okay? Did you see the Commonwealth Bank in Canberra yesterday appearing and executives saying it is taking down 50 fake Commonwealth Bank websites a week, 50 a week. As you know, Australians are losing a lot of money to scams, $3… Read more »
The ABA is reminding customers to remain vigilant to the tell-tale signs of scammers as Australian banks continue to ramp-up protections to help keep their money safe. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said this year’s theme ‘share a story, stop a scam’ was an opportunity for all Australians to support each other and fight back against… Read more »
The ABA welcomes the passage of the SMS Sender ID Register legislation as one more weapon in Australia’s arsenal to win the war on scams. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said this new registry will help to disrupt the business models for SMS impersonation scammers and make Australia a harder target for scam activity. “Scammers usually… Read more »
Jo Trilling (Host): When was the last time your phone pinged with a message from your bank, a fake one, of course, because they are rarely ever real, but they are relentless. So, should the banks be doing more to stop it? Anna Bligh is the CEO of the Australian Banking Association. Welcome to Drive… Read more »
Oliver Peterson (Host): Extra protections from the banks to shield you from scams are going to be front and centre of a new campaign, which has been launched today by the Australian Banking Association. Joining me on the line is its CEO, Anna Bligh, good afternoon. Anna Bligh (Guest): Good afternoon. How are you? Oliver… Read more »
Matthew Pantelis (Host): But let’s talk scams and banks, because there’s a new campaign launched to protect us well, to at least educate us further about scams. It’s called ‘The Fight Against Scams Never Stops’. Anna Bligh, CEO, Australian Bankers Association. Anna, good morning. Anna Bligh (Guest): Good morning. How are you? Matthew Pantelis: All… Read more »
Campaign assets can be accessed here. 12 August 2024 Extra protections from banks to shield Australians from scams will be front and centre of a new campaign to be launched today. With the tag line ‘The fight against scams never stops’, the campaign showcases the range of safeguards banks are introducing as part of the industry’s… Read more »
Georgie Tunny: Anna Bligh is CEO of the Australian Banking Association. And we’ve heard so many examples of scammers infiltrating customers existing phone message threads from banks. If people can’t trust the bank’s own correspondence, what hope do they have? Anna Bligh: The stories that you’ve run this week have been absolutely heartbreaking. And I hear… Read more »
The Australian Banking Association (ABA) welcomes the Federal Government’s upcoming campaign to further educate the community about elder abuse. ABA CEO Anna Bligh said this was a timely opportunity to further raise awareness and shine the spotlight on financial elder abuse. “Australian banks are deeply conscious of financial elder abuse. They see it playing out every day and have… Read more »
Stephen Jones, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services: Good morning everybody, how are we going? Good to speak with you. Great to be here this morning, an exciting accountment. As you know the Albanese government has made a priority fighting scammers and ensuring that we can keep Australian’s money safe. From coming into government… Read more »